Lately, Chinese social media has been flooded with sensational headlines attacking Prime Minister Mark Carney. Posts claim he is “playing voters,” that he will “secretly revive the carbon tax,” and that he is simply another version of Justin Trudeau. These messages—some of which echo Pierre Poilievre’s talking points almost word for word—are spreading fear and confusion among Chinese-speaking voters.
Yes, the carbon tax is unpopular. No one likes paying more for gas or heating. And yes, Carney’s decision to suspend, not repeal, the carbon tax law opens the door for future reintroduction. But let’s be clear: Canada’s economy will not be destroyed by a carbon tax. What would devastate our economy is failed leadership in standing up to Donald Trump’s aggressive trade war and threats to Canadian sovereignty.
It’s true that Carney didn’t repeal the Greenhouse Gas Pollution Pricing Act. But he did reduce the consumer carbon tax rate to zero, effective April 1. That means households will no longer pay the carbon surcharge on fuel, and the final quarterly rebate will arrive in mid-April. Carney openly admitted the carbon tax was divisive and failed to bring Canadians together. His move reflects political pragmatism—not deception.
Let’s put this in perspective. The average household paid a few hundred dollars per year in carbon tax but received equal or greater rebates, especially in rural areas. The economic impact of the tax was moderate and often offset. By contrast, a full-blown trade war with the U.S. could cost billions in lost GDP, disrupt supply chains, and cripple Canadian exporters. A carbon tax might pinch. Failed leadership in a trade crisis could paralyze.
当卡尼奔赴欧洲,与盟友建立更紧密的关系,并积极寻求摆脱对美国依赖的方案时,波利耶夫却留在加国境内对所谓的“卡尼碳税”发起攻击,仿佛时间滞留在特鲁多还在位的2024年。他找错了人,也没看准时机,更攻击错了目标。如今,加拿大人真正担忧的,并不是碳税是否会卷土重来,而是特朗普2.0 将对加国经济造成何等冲击。凭借其深厚的学术背景以及与世界各国领导人建立的广泛联系的卡尼正致力于提升加拿大在国际舞台上的地位;反观波利耶夫,却依然沉浸于在利用那些陈词滥调的口号煽动其政治势力。
While Carney travels to Europe forging stronger ties with allies and seeking alternatives to American dependence, Poilievre remains at home attacking “Carbon Tax Carney,” as if Trudeau were still in office and 2024 hadn’t ended. In doing so, he’s targeting the wrong person, with the wrong message, at the wrong time. Canadians aren’t worried about the return of a carbon tax—they’re worried about the economic havoc a second Trump presidency could unleash. And while Carney—backed by his strong academic credentials and deep relationships with global leaders—focuses on strengthening Canada’s position on the world stage, Poilievre remains fixated on rallying his political base with tired slogans.
This election is no longer just about affordability or the environment—it’s about survival. Under Trump, the U.S. has slapped harsh tariffs on Canadian goods and even openly claimed that Canada should be absorbed as the 51st state. In the face of these unprecedented threats, rehashing old debates about a now-suspended carbon tax misses the point entirely. What we need is a leader capable of steering Canada through an increasingly hostile global environment, rebuilding trade relationships, and standing firm in defense of our sovereignty. So far, Carney has shown he’s up to that challenge. Poilievre has not.
As Chinese Canadians, many of us came here for stability, prosperity, and freedom from political games. We understand the dangers of distraction, and the price of getting leadership wrong. Do we want a leader who focuses on symbolic battles like carbon pricing, or one who can confront the real economic threats facing Canada today? Are we allowing ourselves to be distracted by political slogans, or are we ready to make choices based on the challenges that truly matter—like defending our economy, our sovereignty, and our future? With so much at stake, we should not let misleading posts or outdated narratives dictate how we vote. At this critical moment, let’s choose the kind of leadership that can truly protect our future—not just dominate the next headline.