[加拿大乐活网lahoo.ca 讯]列治文RCMP已经向律政厅提交了对泼咖啡事件肇事者的诉讼建议。相信这是亚裔群体反抗歧视的一个初步结果。
- 反歧视亚裔仇恨犯罪小组强烈要求皇家骑警检控列治文仇恨犯罪嫌疑人
- 大温华社关注“泼咖啡”事件:65家华人组织联合发出致省长、议员、警局等的公开信
- 大温华社关注“泼咖啡”事件:华联会致列治文警察局的公开信
- 大温华社关注“泼咖啡”事件:枫叶反歧视协会致BC省长、省司法厅、列治文市府及RCMP的公开信
5月6日的活动也将在ZOOM上直播,感兴趣的人可以登陆账号“608 608 6868”关注。
Urging RCMP press charges on Richmond Hate Crime Suspects
To: Premier John Horgan, Attorney General David Eby, Minister of Public Safety and Solicitor General, Mike Farnworth, BC RCMP Headquarter, Mayor of Richmond, Malcolm Brodie and Richmond RCMP
We are writing this open letter to voice our deep concerns regarding the hate crime incident that happened inside and outside the Rocanini Coffee Roasters, 3900 Moncton St., in Richmond on March 29, 2021. The victims are Chinese Canadians working in the coffee shop. They recorded this hate crime incident and reported it to the Richmond RCMP. An RCMP officer arrived at the crime scene, witnessed the continuation of the crime, and arrested one of the two suspects there.
It has been almost a month since the Richmond RCMP made the arrest. To date, we have not heard that charges are laid in this case. According to the Criminal Code, in our opinion, the two suspects are co-offenders of three criminal offenses:
(1) publicly inciting hatred as defined under s.319(1), given that they were yelling racist slurs (“F Chinese”) both inside the coffee shop and on the road outside the shop, and their actions obviously led to a breach of the peace;
(2) common assault as defined under s. 265, by spilling hot coffee directly on a victim, and they did so because of an obviously hate motivation against Chinese Canadians;
(3) mischief as defined under s.430(1)(c) and (d), given what they willfully indeed obstructed and interrupted the lawful operation of the coffee shop.
There is strong evidence to prove the case since the whole incident was captured by surveillance cameras and video recorder. We have all seen the posted videos online. The public, particularly the Chinese Canadian community, has voiced their concerns and strongly condemned this hate crime incident. We now urge the Richmond RCMP to press charges against both suspects according to the Criminal Code and BC’s prosecution policy on hate crime.
Any delay in action will damage the integrity of our legal system and the credibility of the RCMP. Given the overwhelming evidence that a racially motivated assault had been committed, it will be most disappointing, and dangerous, if no charge is laid against these suspects. The City of Richmond and the RCMP must not send a wrong message to the public that hate crimes against Chinese Canadians and other Asian Canadians are acceptable here.
We would like to draw attention to a call by British Columbia’s Premier John Horgan that law enforcers must act on hate crimes. In a CBC report on February 18, 2021, Mr. Horgan said violence against people of color needs to be treated as a hate crime.
According to the Richmond News, the RCMP assured Richmond residents that racism has no place in our community. “Racism has no place in our community,” said Chief Superintendent Ng. “I want to reassure the public that any investigation with potential hate motivated undertones will be given our full attention and oversight.”
We the undersigned are urging the Richmond RCMP and the relevant crown counsel to take immediate and decisive action and moving forward with the prosecution of both suspects in this hate crime case.
Initiator: Stop Asian Hate Crimes Group
致:省长约翰·霍根,卑诗省总检察长大卫·埃比,公共安全部长兼副检察长迈克·法恩沃思, 卑诗省皇家骑警总部, 列治文市长马保定及和列治文皇家骑警
我们在此连署这封公开信,表达我们对2021年3月29日在列治文市3900 Moncton St.的Rocanini Coffee Roasters发生的仇恨犯罪事件的深切关注。受害者是在咖啡店工作的加拿大华裔。他们记录了这次仇恨犯罪事件,并将其报告给列治文皇家骑警。一名皇家骑警警员到达犯罪现场,亲眼目睹了犯罪的行为,并在现场逮捕了两名犯罪嫌疑人的其中一人。
(1)公开煽动仇恨行为(根据第319(1)条的定义),因为他们在咖啡店内和店外道路上都在大喊种族主义诽谤(“ F Chinese”),而他们的行为显然破坏了和平。
根据《列治文新闻》的报道,加拿大皇家骑警向列治文居民保证,种族主义在我们社区中没有地位。 “种族主义在我们社区中无处可坐,”吴警察局长说。 “我想向公众保证,任何可能引起仇恨动机的调查都将得到我们的充分重视和监督。”
我们在此连署签名, 敦促列治文市和列治文皇家骑警立即采取果断行动,起诉这起仇恨犯罪案件中的两名嫌疑人。
发起人: 反歧视亚裔仇恨犯罪小组