【乐活编者注:当地时间2月22日,加拿大众议院投票通过涉疆动议后,加拿大和平与发展交流协会会长胡丕峰先生就此专访了原加拿大布兰登大学(Brandon University)政治系主任Leo Liu刘岳云教授,专访加拿大皇家军事学院、加拿大国防部、加拿大政府的客座教授。】
Hi President Hu,
Here are some of my humble views on the false accusation of China for genocide.
Canada’s motion labelling China for Uyghur genocide is absurd. By doing so, Canada is intervening China’s domestic affairs. This is a violation of International law.
Canada should not pick China for a fight. Canada depends on China to export its products. In fact, China has always been Canada’s second largest and most important trading party. Antagonizing China without cause is foolish and is against the national interest of Canada.
It is both libelous and illegitimate to accuse China of committing genocide. Canada should check the legal definition of genocide. Even the United States, which have been hostile to China in recent years, reject the notion that China has committed Uyghur genocide. Moreover, there is no consensus on the definition of genocide in both the international law and the international community.
Chinese Uyghur citizens have received the same if not better quality education and training for skill jobs in China. The Chinese government has paid all expenses, from their accommodation to their daily needs. There are ample documents and evidence to sustain the fact that they live good, safe and promising lives in China.
In Canada, the Conservative party and the NDP have falsely accusing China for Uyghur genocide. This is nothing but a ploy of some opportunist politicians to tarnish China’s reputation. These people include both the Conservative party leader and his followers in the Canadian parliament. Instead of blaming themselves for their losing two elections, these opportunist politicians have been perpetually been hostile to China over the years. Their plot to explore xenophobia to attract attention is doomed to failure.
Canada should offer better treatments and improve the living conditions of its own people, notably the native Canadians and other minorities such as the black first before it is qualified to criticize other countries such as China that offers better equality and conditions of lives.
The response of the Chinese ambassador to Canada is exactly right. His strong stand and correct condemnation of Canada’s defamation of China through a motion in the parliament, deserves the support and applause of all Canadians, Chinese and non-Chinese alike.