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2015新丝路北美时尚盛典是由中国网络电视台、中国新丝路模特机构、CNTVNA.COM和东方之星传媒Orient Star Media共同主办,由加拿大J.li Models模特经纪公司承办,由华侨之声广播电台、中国日报、星岛传媒集团、环球东方加拿大共同协办的北美大型时尚赛事,旨在发掘北美优秀的模特人才,推动中西方时尚潮流的融合,同时为北美主流社会的多族裔民众奉献精彩的时尚视觉盛宴。


来自温哥华本地的艺术团体及乐队也在当晚献上了精彩演出。由杨小花舞蹈学院舞蹈演员表演的中国舞《大唐贵妃》,让现场观众领略到了东方传统艺术的魅力;温哥华知名乐队Simpson Brothers Band带来的现场表演,将气氛引向高潮。
包括冠、亚、季军在内的六项大奖花落谁家,无疑是当晚的重头戏和最大的悬念。在所有比赛环节和现场表演结束后,15位模特依次走上舞台,等待主持人揭晓奖项得主。8号选手Michelle Gieschen以当晚的精彩表现,一举赢得2015新丝路北美时尚盛典年度总冠军的桂冠;11号选手Emily Beth及1号选手Jacqueline Liu分获当晚的亚军及季军。7号选手Kara Zhang、13号选手Rachel Lee Mandi、以及1号选手Jacqueline Liu分别获得“最佳台风奖”、“最上镜模特奖”以及“网络最受欢迎模特奖”。

‘New Cover’Fashion Glamour Night attracts hundreds of fashion and media glitterati
The grand finale of the 2015 ‘New Cover’New Silk Road North America Fashion Glamour took place at Canada’s River Rock Theatre on the evening of February 17, 2015. A huge fashion and media crowd of nearly 1,000 individuals were at the ceremony to witness the historic moment in the fashion and culture arenas.
The 2015 ‘New Cover’New Silk Road North America Fashion Glamour is organized by CNTV, New Silk Road Modeling Agency, CNTVNA.COM, Orient Star Media Inc. and is presented by J Li. Models. CHMB AM1320, China Daily USA, Sing Tao Media Group, G&E Studio Vancouver Inc., and Live China are the co-organizers of this year’s event. The competition aims to discover new model talents in North America, and to promote the integration of Chinese and western fashions.
More than 200 applicants showed their interests since the registration for the ‘New Cover’New Silk Road North America Fashion Glamour began on November 1, 2014. The top 15 stood out from all candidates after interviews and online voting. In the past two months, the 15 finalists have gone through a series of training sessions, which prepared them to compete for the six awards: the 2015 ‘New Cover’top three, the ‘Best Photogenic Model’, the ‘Best Catwalk’, and the ‘Most Popular Model Online’.
The Fashion Glamour Night opened with a modern ballet performance by the 15 finalists. The girls danced in red ballerina dresses which brought about a festive feeling. Their stunning appearance drew a cheer from the audience.
The final competition featured three rounds, in which the contestants walked across the stage in local designers’day wear collections, swimsuits inspired by traditional Chinese art, and finally the evening gowns. The blue and white porcelain-themedswimwear presentation, which combined mysterious oriental charm with the models’youthful vigour, impressed the audience the most. 
The night was also not without performances of local artists. Chinese dance “Royal Datang”by dancers from the Cindy Yang Dance Academy showcased the beauty of traditional Chinese culture; and band performance by the Simpson Brothers Band brought vibrancy to the ceremony.
The Fashion Glamour Night was concluded with the awards presentation. Michelle Gieschenbeat out 14 other competitors, and was crowned the ‘New Cover’model of 2015. Emily Beth and Jacqueline Liu were the first and second runner-ups respectively. Rachel Lee Mandi, Kara Zhang, and Jacqueline Liu won the “Best Photogenic Model”, “Best Catwalk”, and “Most Popular Model Online”awards respectively.
By winning the 2015 ‘New Cover’competition, MichelleGieschen is also automatically qualified for the final of the 2015 New Silk Road Model Contest to be held in China later this year. She is also becoming the first-ever ambassador for CNTVNA.COM’s Fashion Channel, as well as being featured in a series of fashion photo shoots and special video projects.
Since the Fashion Glamour Night also coincided with Chinese New Year’s Eve, the organizers especially introduced the CCTV Spring Festival Gala – also known as the“spiritual family reunion dinner” in China– to all the guests, and invited everyone to check out this most-watched annual audio-visual feast.
The 2015 ‘New Cover’New Silk Road North America Fashion Glamour gathered young people who are passionate about a career in modeling, regardless of ethnicity and race, to share with each other their thoughts on fashion. The event has contributed greatly to connecting people and ideas from two sides of the globe, and it has indeed gone beyond fashion. Just like how the ancient Silk Road first brought contact between China and the west, the 2015 ‘New Cover’is acting as the “new”Silk Road through which modern Chinese culture spreads to, and takes root in western countries.
本文发布于: 2015-2-18 08:17



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