
2015新丝路北美时尚盛典“New Cover”现隆重登场

2020-09-03 |作者: | 来源:

2015新丝路北美时尚盛典“New Cover”已于2014年11月1日正式拉开帷幕,旨在面向北美打造网络模特赛事,诠释中西方时尚潮流的完美融合,搭建一个成为顶级模特的起飞平台。本次活动主办方为CNTVNA.COM、中国新丝路模特机构、CCTV.COM、加拿大Orient Star Media Inc.共同主办。协办方为华侨之声AM 1320、中国日报(美洲版)、美国星岛传媒、以及G&E STUDIO VANCOUVER。本次活动承办方为J.LI MODELS。
2015新丝路北美时尚盛典将由线上视频展示评选,线下时尚展演活动和最终时尚盛典三大部分组成。模特们将会通过网络人气比拼、平面秀、T台秀等时尚活动环节,展现出自己的模特潜质,同时通过专业导师的培训,提高专业素质,体验真正模特的感觉。本届时尚盛典总共设四项大奖,其中包括The New Cover of 2015,Best Photogenic Model(最佳上镜模特),Best Catwalk(最佳台风)以及Most Popular Model Online(网络最受欢迎模特)。
获得The New Cover of 2015大奖的模特将直接晋级中国新丝路模特大赛总决赛,同时也将成为CNTVNA时尚频道首位网络代言人,首位时尚频道网络封面人物以及参与时尚频道节目拍摄、专访、时尚专题节目录制等。参赛选手均有机会获得与中国新丝路模特机构和J.LI Models合作,成为职业模特。
2015新丝路北美时尚盛典“New Cover”报名方式:

2015 New Silk Road North America FashionPageant “New Cover” officially starts
New Cover, the New Silk Road North America Fashion Glamour, has officially launched its 2015 North America competition on November 1, 2014. 

The purpose of the event is to provide a great platform for passionate individuals to build their top-modeling career, and also to present the perfect fusion of fashion in the East and the West.
New Cover, the New Silk Road North America Fashion Glamour is hosted by CNTVNA.COM, New Silk Road Modeling Agency, CCTV.COM, and Orient Star Media Inc. It’s also co-organized by CHAM AM1320, China Daily (North America), Sing Tao Media, and G & E Studio Vancouver, and presented by J.LI Models.  
The Competitionis consisted of three parts – online voting, contestant’s presentation, and the final fashion show. The top ten models will be determined by the result of public online voting, along with their performances in fashion photo shoot and runway. 
Selected contestants will have the opportunity to display their potential in modeling, andreceive the chance to be trained by professionals in the industry. There will be four awards presented at the pageant: the New Cover of 2015, the Best Photogenic Model, the Best Catwalk, and the Most Popular Model Online.   
The winner of the New Cover of 2015 will be qualified for the 2015 New Silk Road models competition in China, and will also become the endorsement model for the CNTVNA’s Fashion channel, and willparticipate inthe fashion studio interviews and projects by CNTVNA.com. All contestants may have the chance to work with the New Silk Road Modeling Agency and J. Li Models as professional models. 
For more information on registration of2015 New Cover Competition, please visithttp://www.cntvna.com/model/index.shtml
本文发布于: 2014-11-17 12:59



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