【加拿大乐活网LAHOO.CA 讯】日前,BC省省督詹妮特•奥斯汀(Janet Austin)发布公告,宣布2024年7月22日至28日为“BC省中华传统文化周”。
WHEREAS British Columbia is a culturally diverse province comprising many peoples and communities, and
WHEREAS over the last 200 years, Chinese immigrants have brought a rich cultural heritage representing many languages, ethnicities and religious traditions to British Columbian society, and despite facing discriminatory laws, Chinese Canadians have helped to enrich British Columbia’s communities and economy, with their achievements firmly woven into the province’s history, and
WHEREAS the Chinese Canadian Museum Society of BC was founded in 2020 and has launched temporary, permanent and travelling exhibits, with a grand opening of Canada’s first public Chinese Canadian Museum on July 1, 2023, in honour of the past and present contributions of people of Chinese descent in British Columbia, and
WHEREAS the Canadian Community Service Association (CCSA) hosts the week-long Chinese Cultural Heritage Festival to celebrate the significant contributions made to arts, cuisine, music and heritage in British Columbia by generations of Chinese Canadians, with themes celebrated during this week that include traditional Chinese medicine, economics and trade, marital arts, poetry and antiques, and
WHEREAS Chinese Cultural Heritage Week is an opportunity for everyone to learn more about the many stories of Chinese Canadians who, throughout history, have done so much to make British Columbia the culturally diverse and prosperous province it is today, and
WHEREAS the proclamation respecting Chinese Cultural Heritage Week, issued on the tenth day of June, two thousand twenty-four, is rescinded;
NOW KNOW YE THAT We do by these presents proclaim and declare that July 22 to 28, 2024, shall be known as
“Chinese Cultural Heritage Week”
in the Province of British Columbia.
IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, We have caused these Our Letters to be made Patent and the Great Seal of Our Province
of British Columbia to be hereunto affixed.
WITNESS, The Honourable Janet Austin, Lieutenant Governor of Our Province of British Columbia, in Our City
of Victoria, in Our Province, this twenty-first day of June, two thousand twenty-four and in the second year of Our
加拿大 不列颠哥伦比亚省
公告 查尔斯三世,以上帝之恩,加拿大国王及其他领域和领土的君主,英联邦元首
总检察长 省督
省督代表卑诗省宣布2024年7月22日至28日为不列颠哥伦比亚省“中华传统文化周 ”。