加拿大的平等,自由和多元文化的价值观,让生活在这里的每一个人都因此感到骄傲与自豪。为了我们的社会和谐,为了我们的美好明天,为了让更多的人享有这份安宁与平静。BC省议员Teresa Wat(屈洁冰)近日发起在BC省设立“佛教文化日”的倡议,让更多的人来了解佛家的普世价值,让更多的朋友可以走进和认识佛教。欢迎大家到如下网址签名支持:
About 470 million people all over the world are followers of Buddhism founded by the Buddha more than 2,500 years ago. We are so blessed to live in Canada and British Columbia where multiculturalism and freedom of religion are upheld and respected.
Buddhism encourages all of us to stay away from evil, do good, be kind and concerned, serve the society, as well as promoting purification of our minds. Our country, province and community will be more compassionate, caring, tolerant, inclusive, fair, peaceful and free of sufferings and poverty if more Canadians and British Columbians are aware of the virtue and philosophy of Buddhism.
All institutions, community groups and British Columbians, both Buddhist and non-Buddhist, are invited to support this campaign to urge the BC provincial government to declare “BC Buddhist Culture Day” on the first Sunday of May every year and to organize a series of activities with the Buddhist community on and after the Buddhist Culture Day to promote Buddhist culture and benefit all beings.
Please sign this petition to show your support. Once this petition has reached a significant number of supporters, on behalf of all the petitioners, Teresa Wat, MLA Richmond North Centre, will present to the Provincial Government and BC Legislature, requesting the annual declaration of BC’s “Buddhist Culture Day”.