[加拿大乐活网lahoo.ca 6月28日讯] 今天(28日),在新的一集播客节目中,新民主党检察总长尹大卫说他“低估了参与”一项有争议研究的影响。尹大卫参与的这项研究表明:姓名听起来像华人的都不是在卑诗省长期定居的省民,从而引发了卑诗省的反亚裔情绪和种族主义的高涨。
尹大卫说,卑诗自由党—也就是指(我)— 推动舆论,指责他为一项研究背书是“错误的”,这项研究将仇恨和怀疑指向为卑诗省数代做出贡献的华裔社区。尹大卫在博客节目里甚至将我的说法称为“疯狂”,尽管他为曾参与这项研究道歉,并承认他不应该认同报告的内容。
请浏览温哥华太阳报专栏记者Vaughn Palmer的报告 , 里面有报导我对尹大卫参与上述研究的质疑。
Eby calls my advocacy against his involvement in anti-Asian study “insane”
Today on a new podcast episode, NDP attorney general David Eby said he “underestimated his participation” in a controversial study. His involvement in this study led to anti-Asian sentiment and racism in BC by suggesting that people with names that sounded Chinese were not longtime established British Columbians.
Eby says there’s a push from the Liberals – namely me – to “say that it was wrong” of him to lend credibility to a study that directed hate and skepticism towards Chinese communities who have contributed to our province for generations. He even describes my assertions as “insane”… despite the fact he has since apologized for his involvement in the study and acknowledged he shouldn’t have endorsed it.
You can read an article from Vaughn Palmer here, reporting on my questioning of David Eby about his involvement.
No matter what your name is, how you look, or where you’ve come from, you belong in BC.
I am in this BC Liberal Party leadership race because I believe we need to restore trust with British Columbians in their governments and political parties. We as elected officials should be creating a safe and respectful environment in BC, fearlessly calling out these issues, and embracing diversity in all its forms.
If you share my values about creating an inclusive province and leading with integrity, please reach out. We need your help as we rebuild the BC Liberal Party and restore trust with British Columbians.