
2024 World TCM & Acupuncture Week: Day 9 – Presentation Sessions in English 公益:第四届文化周第九天(6月23日)英文中医药针灸专业授课

2024-06-08 |作者:乐活网 | 来源:温哥华乐活网

Vancouver, BC: Sunday, June 23     温哥华6月23日 周日

Beijing: Monday, June24             北京  6月24日 周一

Sydney, Australia: Monday, June 24  悉尼  6月25日 周一


主持人/Host :Chan Vienna陈藿呈   Tao Xu 徐涛 Ronggang Li李荣刚  








Hui Ouyang


AcuChiro Therapy for Thoraco-lumbar



Guanhu Yang


Experience on the Application of acupuncture and moxibustion and Moxibustion in Treating Pediatric Tourette Disorder



Pro.Changqing Yang


TCM Mental Health Preservation for People over 50 Years Old




Prof. Dr. Tianjun Wang


Acupuncture for Brain – Scientific Evidence



Pro. Yemeng Chen


Channel Sinew Theory Applied in Acupuncture Treatment for the Neck Pain Due to Whiplash Injury




Dr. Haihe Tian


The advantages of TCM treating the oral diseases







Dr. Yuan Yuan

袁 苑



Eating Wisely—Culture of Food Therapy and Life Nurturing for Women








Dr. Litao Bai



Traditional Chinese Medicine Treatment for Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis







Xiaojiao Xiang MD, Ph.D


Traditional Chinese medicine for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease-related signaling pathways







Polly, Wai Ting Cheung


Yoga. Traditional Chinese Medicine Dietary Therapy







Prof. David Dong Liu


Introduce Acupuncture Manual Therapy & Acutaping





  • Hui Ouyang, M.D (China), L.Ac., D.C.


Topic : AcuChiro Therapy for Thoraco-lumbar


Dr. Ouyang grew up in a doctor family of TCM and received his medical degree in 1993 in China, his Texas Acupuncturist License in 2004 and his Doctor of Chiropractic in 2008 from Texas Chiropractic College. After moving to the US in 1999, Dr. Ouyang conducted extensive acupuncture research as a postdoctoral fellow at University of Texas Medical Branch and as a research scientist at Transneuronix Research, Inc. His research resulted in several awards at the American and the International conference, and has published articles in prestigious medical journals. Dr. Ouyang also teaches the doctoral degree programs at schools of acupuncture and Oriental medicine, including ACAOM, ATOM, AAAOM/AAHW and ACTCM. Dr. Ouyang currently practices acupuncture and Oriental medicine and chiropractic manipulation in southern Houston. Dr. Ouyang provides a unique AcuChiro Therapy, aka integrative Chinese and western medicine (acupuncture, chiropractic, Chinese herbs and nutrition) for the safe and effective diagnosis and treatment of the spine and related disorders. He treats sports injuries, and main players from Houston Dynamo soccer team got great benefits from his treatments. The patient with PTSD treated by Dr. Ouyang were reported on 《New York Times》 as an example for pain management with acupuncture more effective than drugs. Dr. Ouyang is current secretary of American TCM Association and has established the National Academic Forum for Acupuncture and TCM Orthopedics. Networking with well-known American and international experts, Dr. Ouyang systematically organize symposiums, which are loved by clinicians.

欧阳晖博士,美国德州针灸整脊双执照医师。出身于医学世家。在中国中医针灸本科毕业后,就职于厦门市中医院针灸和骨伤科。赴美后曾在德州大学医学分院(UTMB),从事有关针刺和电刺激的科研工作。学术论文发表于《美国生理学杂志》,《消化疾病学》等医学专业杂志,并曾获美国胃肠学会年会的“消化疾病周”杰出论文奖 。在美国继续学习,获得美国德州整脊学院(TCC)整脊博士学位。欧阳晖博士,创办休斯敦针灸整脊诊所,享有盛誉;担任华美中医学院,美国中医学院,大西洋中医学院和美洲中医学院教授博士班导师;也是温州医科大学中美针灸康复研究所高级特聘专家。欧阳晖博士,运用一套独特的“针灸整脊诊疗法(AcuChiro Therapy)”,整合优化中西医学理论和技术,安全高效地诊断和治疗脊柱专科,以及全身相关疾病。著名的迪纳摩(Dynamo)足球队的多名主力队员从中受益。欧阳晖博士治疗头痛等创伤后遗症的病人被《纽约时报》报导,成为针灸治疗疼痛优于药物的实例,影响美国主流社会。现任全美中医药学会秘书长和骨伤针推康复专业委员会主任。近年来,利用网络通信之便利,建立全美中医药学会的骨针论坛,联络美国以至国际上的知名专家,系统专业地组织专题讨论会,为海内外临床医生所喜爱。


  • Guanhu Yang MD, PhD, LAc, Dipl OM



Topic : Experience on the Application of acupuncture and moxibustion and Moxibustion in Treating Pediatric Tourette Disorder


He graduated from Zhejiang College of Traditional Chinese Medicine in 1985 and entered Nanjing College of Traditional Chinese Medicine as a postgraduate student in warm disease in the same year. 1987 to 1993, he worked as a lecturer in the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine of the Second Affiliated Hospital of Wenzhou Medical College, and in 1993, he received the Sasakawa Medical Scholarship, and was dispatched by the Ministry of Health to the Department of Medicine of the First Internal Medicine Division of Toyama Medical and Pharmaceutical University in Japan to conduct a research on diabetes mellitus. After two years, he was transferred to the Department of Respiratory Medicine, Kanazawa Medical University Graduate School of Medicine and received his Ph.D.

He came to the United States in 1999 for a postdoctoral fellowship in Pulmonary Biology at Cincinnati Children’s Medical Centre, and served as the president of SHI Acupuncture School in Ohio from 2005 to 2009. He is currently a visiting professor at Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Wenzhou Medical University, Zhejiang University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and Nanjing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, a clinical professor at Ohio University College of Medicine, a doctoral supervisor at Macau University of Science and Technology, the director of the U.S. China-U.S. Joint Institute of Acupuncture and Rehabilitation at Wenzhou Medical University, and a doctoral supervisor at the University of Chinese Medicine, California State University of Five Systems of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the Chinese-American College of Chinese Medicine in Texas, the Atlantic College of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Florida, the U.S. College of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Minnesota, and Nanjing/ England. He is also the president of the American Luo Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the vice president of the American Society of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the consultant of the New York Licensed Acupuncturist Association, the executive member of the supervisory board of the World Federation of Traditional Chinese Medicine (WFTCM), the member of the WFTCM Diabetes Diagnostic and Treatment Standards Formulation Group, the executive member of the WFTCM Internal Medicine Committee, the vice president of WFTCM Classical Famous Prescription Research Society, the vice president of WFTCM Endocrine Committee, He is also the vice president of the Digestive Committee of the WFTCM, vice president of the Specialised Committee on State-Targeted Treatment of of the WFTCM.

During his career, Dr. Yang published 13 books and over 130 research articles on basic biology and traditional Chinese medicine, and work as guest associate editor and reviewer for numerous renowned SCI journals. Dr. Yang also is associate Editor for International Journal of Clinical Acupuncture.



1985年毕业于浙江中医学院,同年考入南京中医学院攻读温病学研究生。1987年到1993 年在温州医学院附属二院中医科担任讲师,1993年考取笹川医学奖学金,由卫生部派往日本富山医科薬科大学第一内科从事糖尿病的研究,二年后转入金沢医科大学研究生院呼吸内科并获医学博士。 




在美国有俄亥俄州、纽约州、马里兰州和弗吉尼亚州的中医针灸执照,拥有两个中医诊所,担任eBiomedicine等多家SCI杂志特约审稿专家,《中国针灸》杂志编委,《世界针灸杂志》编委,《International Journal of Clinical Acupuncture》副主编,《新英格兰中医杂志》副主编,《Frontiers of Immunology 》等十四个专刊客座主编。 多次受邀在哈佛中医讲坛等著名大学及学会作演讲,参与主编和编译了13本中医和现代医学著作,并发表包括SCI为主的论文130多篇。

  • Prof. Changqing Yang


Topic: TCM mental health preservation for people over 50 years old



Yang Changqing, Doctor of Medicine, bachelor’s and master’s degrees in TCM and California-licensed acupuncturist. Dr. Yang graduated from Heilongjiang University of Chinese Medicine in 1984, and obtained a Doctor of Medicine degree in Psychiatry from Kobe University in Japan in 1998. Dr. Yang is currently the precedent of the American Institute of Mental Health in Traditional Chinese Medicine, the deputy director of Chinese Mental Health Professional Committee of the TCM World Federation, and has established a mental health expert studio in China.

Dr. Yang has unique experience and achievements in general internal medicine, especially in psychiatry. Dr. Yang has the good experiences in the treatment of schizophrenia, affective disorders and neurosis. According to the theory of internal classics, Dr. Yang proposed the four ben shen treatment methods including ben shen acupuncture, ben shen herbology, ben shen psychotherapy and ben shen conservation, which provided a more comprehensive theory and treatment system for the mental illness of Chinese medicine, and he has published these four works in Chinese version.

杨常青 Joseph Changqing Yang,院长,医生,教授,医学博士,硕士及加州执照针灸师 Ph.D. in Neuropsychiatry, M. Med. 杨医生于1984年毕业于黑龙江中医药大学,87年取得中医诊断学硕士学位并留校任教。1990年前往日本爱知医科大学公派进修精神医学,尔后于1998年在日本神户大学取得精神神精科医学博士学位。杨医生现任教于仁爱医科大学及其他多所美国中医大学的硕士和博士班课程,并在个人诊所诊治患者。杨医生也活跃于全美及地方的中医再教育课程。杨医生于2008年带领他的专业团队创建了美国中医精神健康研究院,并且任院长。



  •   Dr. Tianjun Wang、

Topic: Acupuncture for Brain –Scientific evidence


Principal of London Academy of Chinese Acupuncture (LACA)

Guest Professor of Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine

Dr. Tianjun Wang graduated from Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine (NUCM) in 1989. He completed his PhD at NUCM. Tianjun moved to the UK and joined the University of East London UK as a Senior Lecturer and the Director of Acupuncture Clinic 2007- 2014. He is a Guest Professor of NUCM and the Master and PhD course supervisor at UK Centre of NUCM. Current Prof. Wang is the Principal of the London Academy of Chinese Acupuncture. Prof. Wang is the Vice President of the Scalp Acupuncture Committee of World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies (WFCMS) and the president of the Institute of Scalp Acupuncture UK. He owns TJ Acupuncture Clinic and Brain Care Centre in London.

Prof. Wang has authored and co-authored more than 50 academic papers as well as peer reviewers to many international journals. His authored book “Acupuncture for Brain: Treatment for Neurological and Psychologic Disorders” published by Springer 2020.


王天俊,中医教授,针灸博士,伦敦中医针灸学院院长,英国中医论坛主席。本科和博士毕业于南京中医药大学针灸推拿专业。2007年到2014年受聘为英国东伦敦大学中医针灸专业全职高级讲师、针灸诊所主任,从事中国针灸的教学、医疗和科研。现为英国伦敦中医针灸学院院长,南京中医药大学客座教授,英国王博士中医针灸诊所暨脑病中心主任,南中医英国中心硕博研究生海外导师,世中联头针专业委员会付主任委员,英国中医论坛主席。 2020年与世界著名科技和医学出版社SPRINGER合作出版了英文专著《Acupuncture for Brain, Treatment for Neurological and Psychologic diseases(针灸脑病学)》。

                  (5)Prof. Yemeng Chen

Topic: Channel Sinew Theory Applied in Acupuncture Treatment for the Neck Pain Due to Whiplash Injury


YEMENG CHEN, Ph.D. (China), Dipl. OM (NCCAOM), L.Ac., FICAE, is President of New York College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, President of the National Federation of Chinese TCM Organizations (NFCTCMO), and the Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Complementary Medicine & Alternative Healthcare and International Executive Editor of Chinese Medicine & Culture (English). Dr. Chen has enthusiastically participated in numerous worldwide and nationwide activities in the Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine profession which include the following: Immediately past Chair of the Accreditation Commission of Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine (ACAOM), an Executive Member of Presidium of the World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies (WFCMS), Vice-Director of Head Acupuncture Professional Committee and Standing Council member of Education Steering Committee, WFCMS, Vice President of World Traditional Medicine Forum, and also a Guest Professor in Shanghai and Jianxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and Academy of Integrative Medicine in Fudan University. He was vice chair of the New York State Board for Acupuncture, appointed by the New York State Education Department and was a recipient of Pearl Wisdom Award by Acupuncture Society of New York (ASNY) (2015) and Sailing Award for International Exchange of Traditional Chinese Medicine by World Federation of TCM Services and Trade (2020).

He once worked as an instructor in the former Shanghai Medical University — now known as Fudan University — and practiced as a physician in the affiliated Huashan Hospital. During his time at the hospital, he received extensive clinical experience through his mentor, the well-known Prof. You-An Fang.  Fang’s Acupuncture is now on the Shanghai Municipal Government Intangible Cultural Inheritage List. He has published more than 60 research papers in various medical journals in different countries, seven of which were in SCI journals. He has also published The Effectiveness of Acupuncture Treatment on Various Diseases (1990) and Guide of Consulting Acupuncture (1994) and in 1992 he participated in writing two large-scale reference works: New Edition of Chinese Acupuncture & Moxibustion and Complete Works of Chinese Acupuncture & Moxibustion. He is also a co-author of other seven books such as Diversification of Acupuncture Practice in the U.S. (2016), Nutrition & Integrative Medicine: A Primer for Clinicians (2018), and Overview of World Chinese Medicine Education (2019). He has been a Deputy Editor-in-Chief and Chief Translator in English edition of Diagnostics in Chinese Medicine, World Textbook Series for Chinese Medicine Core Curriculum (2019), and one of Editor-in-Chief of Chinese Medicine Diagnostics, English Textbook Series of Beijing University of Chinese Medicine (2019). Dr. Chen has been a reviewer of ICD-10 TM code and Chinese medicine Terminology invited by World Health Organization (WHO) and a member of TCM Expert Committee of People’s Medical Publishing House.

陈业孟,医学博士。现任美国纽约中医学院院长、全美华裔中医药总会(NFCTCMO)会长、Journal of Complementary Medicine & Alternative Healthcare(《补充医学与替代医疗杂志》)主编、《中医药文化》(英文版)国际执行主编。兼任世界传统医药论坛副主席,世界中医药学会联合会主席团执行委员、世中联头针专业委员会副会长、世中联翻译专业委员会副会长、世中联教育指导委员会常务理事,北京中医药大学、上海中医药大学、江西中医药大学与复旦大学中西医结合研究院客座教授。曾任全美针灸与东方医学院校认证委员会(ACAOM)主席、纽约州政府教育厅针灸委员会副主席、American Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine(《美国中医药杂志》)主编。获纽约针灸学会“智慧之珠”奖(2015)、世界中医药服务贸易联合会“中医药国际交流风帆奖”(2020)。

曾任职于上海医科大学(现复旦大学)华山医院针灸科医师,师承著名针灸专家方幼安教授,为上海市非物质文化遗产方氏针灸传人。长期从事针灸临床研究,共发表论文60篇,其中SCI论文7篇。著有《针灸有效病症》、《针灸求医指南》、《针灸在美国的多元化发展》,并参与编写《新编中国针灸学》、《中国针灸大全》、《中西医结合学》、《临床中医脑病学》、《上海历代名医方技集成》、《方氏针灸百年集萃》、《海外中医诊治要览》、《世界中医药教育概览》、《中国针灸学》(英文版第4版)与Nutrition and Integrative Medicine: A Primer for Clinicians等18部专著。近年来出任世中联海外中医核心教材《中医诊断学》副主编与英语版主译、北京中医药大学对外教育中医教材《中医诊断学》共同主编、世界卫生组织ICD11-TM与中医术语特邀评审专家、人民卫生出版社中医药专家委员会委员。

         (6)Dr. Haihe Tian


Topic: The advantages of TCM treating the oral diseases


Dr. Haihe Tian,MD(China), Ph.D., Professor. President of American TCM Association(ATCM),President of TCM American Alumni Association(TCMAAA), Founding President of American Alumni Association of Beijing University of Chinese Medicine,(BUCM), visiting professor and distinguished clinical expert of BUCM, the vice-chairman of supervision board of the World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies(WFCMS), He studied at Beijing University of Chinese Medicine in 1982, and moved to USA in 1997. He has been giving more than 300 lectures nationally and internationally. He published more than 60 papers and 20 books as author or coauthor. Currently he is practicing in Florida, USA.

田海河,医学博士,教授,全美中医药学会ATCMA会长,美国中医校友联合会TCMAAA主席, 北京中医药大学美国校友会创会会长,北京中医药大学客座教授,临床特聘专家和美国中医中心指导专家, 美国中医针灸院校资格认证委员会ACAOM评审专家,美国中医针灸高校联合会CCAOM 洁针技术委员会主考官,美国针灸及东方医学考试委员会NCCAOM命题专家, 全美中医公会AAAOM常务理事, 世界华人中医师协会副会长, 世中联监事会副主席, 内科专业委员会, 心身医学专业委员会,传统医药合作分会,慢病管理专业委员会等副会长和多个其他专业委员会常务理事等。《中国结合医学杂志》英文审稿专家,世中联中医核心教材《内科学》主译,担任多个美国中医院校的博士班导师。1982年就读北京中医药大学,之后师从中国著名的中医泰斗董建华教授攻读硕士,博士,毕业后留校从事医教研工作,1997年初到美国发展,在全国和世界各地大型学术会议上作专题讲座300余场,共发表论文60余篇,合作出版专著20余部。现在美国佛罗里达州执业。

(7)Dr. Yuan Yuan

Topic:  Eating Wisely—Culture of Food Therapy and Life Nurturing for



PhD in Chinese Medicine, Fields of Specialization: Gynecology of Chinese Medicine, China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences.

Experimentalist in Academy of Integrative Medicine, Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Medical Practitioner’s Qualification Certificate of the People’s Republic of China (Chinese Medicine)

Certificate of Registration for Chinese Medicine Practitioner, HK.

Council member and Secretary general of Charitable Foundation, Hong Kong Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Executive committee member, Hong Kong Registered Chinese Medicine Practitioners Association

Executive council member, Gynecology Branch of China Medical Association of Minorities

Deputy Secretary-General, Global Medicative Diet and Food Therapy Association

Council member, Reproductive Medicine Specialized Committee of World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies


                         (8)Dr. Litao Bai


Topic: Traditional Chinese Medicine Treatment for Hashimoto’s



Bai Litao MD, Ph.D

The Second Affiliated Hospital of Chongqing Medical University, Department of Integrative Medicine,

Graduated institutions: China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, MD, Ph.D., major in endocrinology of TCM

Youth Committee of Chinese society of traditional Chinese Medicine

Academic consultant of International association of medicinal food therapy limited

reviewer of Cardiovascular Innovations and Applications, frontiers in pharmacology

More than 40 representative and accepted papers, including 7 SCI papers.

Manages and participates in many item sciences fund.


(9)Xiaojiao Xiang MD, Ph.D


Topic:  Traditional Chinese medicine for the treatment of Alzheimer’s

disease-related signaling pathways


The Second Affiliated Hospital of Chongqing Medical University

Graduated institutions: Chongqing Medical University, major in neurology


Member of the Nuclear Medicine Physician Branch of Chongqing Medical Doctor Association

More than 10 representative and accepted papers, including 3 SCI papers.

Manages and participates in many item sciences fund


10Polly, Wai Ting Cheung


Topic: Yoga. Traditional Chinese Medicine Dietary Therapy


A pupil of Chinese Medical Masters Li Diangui,Certificate in Yoga teacher training awarded by The University of Hong Kong School of Professional and Continuing Education,Diploma in Orthopaedics and Message Therapy awarded by School of Chinese Medicine The Chinese University of Hong Kong,Founder and Vice President of International Association of Medicinal Food Therapy Limited Executive Vice President of Hong Kong Sun Chung Medical Center University,Yoga Teacher & Food Therapy Director at HKFTU Spare-Time Study Centre,Director of Food Therapy Research Committee under World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies

,Honorary Life President of the Chinese Medical Association,Certified by Naturopathic Board in Canada, Certification ID: DNM2009-1028,National Senior Acupuncturist License (level 1)certified by Ministry of Labor, China。




(11)Prof. David Dong Liu


Topic: Introduce Acupuncture Manual Therapy & Acutaping


David Dong Liu is a professor at Georgian college’s Acupuncture program. In 2017/18/19, David was a member of the Neurosciences Initiative Steering Committee. He has been teaching and practicing TaiChi, Qigong, Acupuncture and functional rehabilitation exercises for over 20 years. In his clinical practice,David has been working with spinal cord injury and clients with bladder and bowel dysfunction, Acupuncture for concussion and Lyme disease recovery over ten years. David has also provided care as a team therapist to international caliber figure skaters at national and international competitions.  David is active in research, focusing on the use of evidence informed acupuncture practice to manage pain and the use of TaiChi to promote mindfulness and physical wellbeing in community.  David enjoys practicing TaiChi and has competed both in Toronto national and International TaiChi championships.  David’s commitment and passion for Qigong, TaiChi, acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) earned him the Toronto International TCM Award for Acupuncture Development and Contribution Canada in October 2018

刘东博士,加拿大乔治亚大学中医针灸学教授,2017/2018/2019年度学院神经科学委员会成员。他从事中医针灸、太极拳、气功及功能康复训练临床教学20余年,对脊髓损伤康复针刺治疗膀胱排尿功能障碍的患者有丰富经验;作为运动治疗师,多次随队参加国际花样滑冰锦标赛,服务加拿大国家田径队运动员。刘东博士积极从事中医针灸临床循证研究,使用针灸来控制疼痛以及使用太极拳来促进社区的身心健康推广和教育。刘东博士酷爱太极拳,曾参加加拿大多伦多国际太极拳锦标赛。 2018年10月获得了加拿大多伦多国际中医药针灸发展与贡献奖。


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