

2023-05-01 |作者:国韵 | 来源:温哥华国韵合唱团

常青 中国弹拨器乐演奏家,毕业于北京中央音乐学院。参与了大量中国广播民族乐团音乐会、录制唱片、为电视录像工作;与中央歌舞团巡回表演各地。移居加国后,她出版了个人专辑“Old Street”。并与来自不同国家的音乐家合作。她曾客座教授UBC,创办常青古筝艺术学院。现任温哥华交响乐团音乐学院古筝导师;BC中乐团弹拨首席。她的名字被收录在2023《华乐大典·三弦卷》。

Ms. Chang graduated from the Central Conservatory of Music in Beijing with a bachelor’s
degree. She performed at Beijing Central Song and Dance Troupe and China
Broadcasting National Orchestra for many audio and video recordings. Right after moved to Canada, she published her solo album “Old Street” supported by Saskatchewan Arts Board and was invited to play in CBC in Regina for her live performance broadcasting. Ms. Chang has toured and performed with artists from many countries in the world such as France、South Korea、Iran and Japan..As an passionate educator, Ms. Chang used to be a guest instructor/lecturer at the UBC Asian Cultural Center. She also teaches at
VSO School.

Keiko Alexander is a graduate of the Juilliard School in New York where she studied piano with Sascha Gorodnitzki and Janina Fialkowska, and has also studied privately with Bela Siki in Cincinnati and Vlado Perlemuter in Paris. While in Cincinnati she formed the Alexis Piano Trio with members of the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra, which performed throughout Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, and Tennessee. In addition, Keiko taught in the Piano Preparatory Department of the University of Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music, and served as Chair of the Piano Department from 1996 to 2000. In 2000, she was invited to perform for Hillary Clinton at a Campaign Event in Cincinnati.

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