

2020-08-28 |作者: | 来源:

June 1, 2020  MLARA事实澄清声明

卑诗省温哥华——枫叶反种族歧视行动协会(MLARA)已经发表了一份公开声明,以澄清事实。然而,最近 出现在多家电视台和纸媒的报道,皆未能完全讲述清楚我们协会的真实情况以及我们的行动动机。

我们在此, 对我们协会的一名支持者的行动给Murray 部长和总理带来的不便深表歉意。2020年4月30 日,加拿大华人社区在一篇《Global News》报道中遭到诋毁。这名支持者对此感到非常沮丧,因此她转发了 我们的微信信息。我们支持她的行动及她所转发的那则微信信息的内容。

我们的意图很单纯。我们尊重新闻自由和记者的重要贡献。我们只希望新闻报道是考虑周全的、准确而又真 实的,比如不要将“每一位侨胞都是战’疫’者”写作成“每一位侨胞都是战士”, 暗指每一位华人都是为中国政府服 务。



枫叶反种族歧视行动协会(MLARA)是一个由加拿大公民和永久居民组成的非营利性组织。本协会于 2020年5 月 14 日根据《卑诗省社团法》注册,注册编号为 S0073177。
枫叶反种族歧视行动协会(MLARA)是由对Sam Cooper 先生于2020年4 月30日在《Global News》所报道的 不负责任内容, 而感到被抹黑的加拿大人组成。
枫叶反种族歧视行动协会官方网站: www.mlara.org 联系人:
姓名: Mr. Jason Xie, 谢晟 发言人 枫叶反种族歧视行动协会 手机: 604-763-5528 电邮: jxie@mlara.org
Name: Mr. Ivan Pak, 白巍 会长 枫叶反种族歧视行动协会 手机: 778-882-8134 电邮: ipak@mlara.org



1. 我们希望对最近的几则未能完全展示我们协会真实情况及我们的行动动机的新闻报道做出直接的回应。
2. 这些媒体所报道的事件是关于我们的一位支持者, 在梅丽桥部长与华裔加拿大社区保持联系的微信群中推送 了我们的一些信息。
3. 我们在此, 就梅丽桥部长的微信群中推送这则信息, 给部长及特鲁多总理所带来困扰感到遗憾。
4. 这则微信信息是由枫叶反种族歧视行动协会授权发布的,我们认可其内容。这位支持者对加拿大华裔社区 被指责为外国代理人的言论而感到焦虑,由此转发了这则微信信息。对加拿大华裔社区形象进行扭曲的言论 来自于Sam Cooper 先生 2020年4月30日在《Global News》的一篇报道。我们与这位支持者感同身 受。请参阅我们于 2020 年 5 月 27 日发布的公开声明,以了解详情。
5. CBC的一篇报道援引特鲁多总理的话说,"他重视记者在全国各地所做的工作"。在同一份CBC报道中,梅 丽桥部长告诉众议院,"压制记者是永远不能被接受的"。
6. 枫叶反种族歧视行动协会完全认同特鲁多总理和梅丽桥部长的这些观点。事实上,在5月27日我们发表 的公开声明中,我们说:"作为加拿大人,我们知道媒体工作的重要性。 我们不是在攻击Cooper先生的诚 信,也不是称他为种族主义者。” 我们在同一份公开声明中进一步指出:"我们正在研究是否对Cooper先生 和《Global News》采取法律行动,而不是想要制止媒体的自由”。
7. 枫叶反种族歧视行动协会希望与特鲁多总理和梅丽桥部长取得联系,听取我们的意见以及我们对Cooper 先生报告的关切。我们是加拿大人,而不是Cooper先生的文章希望读者相信的, 是一些外国势力的傀儡。 华裔加拿大人就是加拿大人。
8. Cooper先生的报告,无论是有意还是无意地,错误地将华裔加拿大人对其在中国亲属的人道主义援助描 述为代表一个秘密外国机构采取的险恶行动。
9. 我们的要求很简单。我们希望看到《Global News》能提供考虑周全、准确和真实的报道。 一份也要包括 华裔加拿大人为抗击新冠病毒做出过许多贡献的报道,而非仅仅将“每一位侨胞都是战’疫’者”写成为“每一位 侨胞都是战士”, 暗指每一位华人都是为中国政府服务的报导。我们认为,要求《Global News》遵守自己的 新闻操守原则并不是一个过分的要求。
10. 作为加拿大人,我们知道这是一个由公正思想的人组成的国家。作为加拿大新闻的读者,我们知道我们的 记者是专业人士,认同他们在尽力揭示我们国家可能面临的危险上的努力。但是, 在广大民众的心目中,播 撒对华裔加拿大人不信任的种子,会对我们国家的和谐及多元文化构成威胁。 11. 我们也知道,加拿大人想知道真相。我们呼吁我们的记者和具有公正思想的媒体编辑们能够帮助我们澄清 事实。

(此声明为英文翻译版, 如有争议, 以英文版为正式版本)


1. MLARA 于 2020 年 5 月 27 日发表的公开声明 2. 我们的支持者之一在Murray 部长的微信群里发表的呼吁

网络链接: 1. Global & Mail Report: https://www.theglobeandmail.com/ … s-account-promoted/ 2. Toronto Star: https://www.thestar.com/news/can … covid-19-masks.html 3. CBC Report: https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics … uit-china-1.5585854 4. Global News: https://globalnews.ca/news/69866 … chat-china-lawsuit/

5. Sam Cooper先生报道原始版: https://www.evernote.com/shard/s … e624c95e60a09a07242 6. 枫叶反歧视行动协会官方网站: www.mlara.org


A public statement by Maple Leafs Anti-Racism Actions Association (MLARA)

Date: May 27, 2020

1. We are a not-for-profit society formed by a group of Canadians and permanent residents. The association was registered under the BC Societies Act on May 14, 2020 under incorporation number S0073177. 2. One of the purposes of our society is to fight against racism and end hate crimes in Canada. 3. The society was formed by a group of people who felt they were unfairly portrayed in a report written by Mr. Sam Cooper that appeared on Global News on April 30, 2020.  4. While the central thrust of the report was about the People’s Republic of China, the Communist Party of China, and the United Front Work Department of the PRC, the use of a provocative graphic and an inaccurately translated caption conveyed a damaging portrayal of Overseas Chinese and Canadians of Chinese descent. 5. Mr. Cooper’s report, either intentionally or un-intentionally mischaracterized Chinese-Canadians’ humanitarian efforts to support their relatives in China as some sinister actions taken on behalf of a secretive foreign agency. 6. As Canadians, we know the important work of media across the country.  We are not attacking the integrity of Mr. Sam Cooper or calling him a racist.  What we are trying to do, however, is to point out that Mr. Cooper’s report, in tone and effect, has created an impression on the report’s readers and viewers that Chinese-Canadians had, on the order of a foreign country, bought up critical medical supplies to the detriment of Canadians.  7. One of the most critical aspect of Mr. Cooper’s report concerning the alleged actions of a Chinese-Canadian organization was based on a report published by Xinhua in Chinese. Mr. Cooper admitted in his article that Global News had not independently verified its content.   8. Mr. Cooper’s report used a caption taken from the Xinhua report but had it inaccurately translated.  We believe this mistake, together with the use of an unverified foreign report mentioned in paragraph 7 above, demonstrated that Mr. Cooper’s report fell short of Global News’ own principles and practices of “reporting news without distortion or misrepresentation” as well as “getting it right.” 9. We believe what Mr. Cooper’s article, intentionally or un-intentionally had sow mistrust and dare we say, hatred on the minds of Canadians towards Canadians of Asian heritage.  We have noticed a sharp increase in hate crimes and verbal harassment towards Asian Canadians.  We firmly believe that the type of biased and unbalanced portrayal of Chinese-Canadians by Mr. Cooper has to be stopped. 10. An independent journalist and who is unaffiliated with our association, Mr. Weng Hoong Ng had written to the Global News complaining Mr. Sam Cooper’s report.  As a result of his action, Global News had removed the offending graphic but has not amended the mis-characterization of the actions of Chinese-Canadians or mention the positive contributions of Chinese-Canadians towards Canada’s efforts to fight the pandemic.  
11. We are, therefore, asking Mr. Cooper and Global News to retract the portion of the report that deals with Chinese-Canadians and to apologize to the Chinese-Canadian community. 12. We are exploring the option of whether to take legal action against Mr. Sam Cooper and Global News not because we want to silence them.  We are doing so because we genuinely felt we were being maligned by Mr. Cooper’s report. 13. We expect that some Canadians of Chinese heritage may not feel the same way as we do towards Mr. Cooper’s report.  The Chinese-Canadian community is not a monolithic community but rather a complex one. We do not claim to represent the entire Chinese-Canadian community. 14. We are committed to the Canadian value of freedom of the press and we regret that we have to take this action to protect our community’s image and integrity.   15. We offer our apologies to Minister Joyce Murray for the inadvertent action of one of our overly enthusiastic members who posted a funding appeal in a WeChat group of Ms. Murray’s supporters. But her actions demonstrated her deep concern about Mr. Cooper’s unbalanced article and her feeling is shared by all of us at MLARA.   

Name: Mr. Jason Xie, Spokesperson Maple Leafs Anti-Racism Actions Association Cell: 604-763-5528 E-mail: jxie@mlara.org
Name: Mr. Ivan Pak, President Maple Leafs Anti-Racism Actions Association Cell: 778-882-8134 E-mail: ipak@mlara.org

Background Information
• MLARA website: www.mlara.org
• Mr. Sam Cooper’s report: Achieved version: https://www.evernote.com/shard/s … e624c95e60a09a07242  
• Mr. Sam Cooper’s report: Revised version: https://globalnews.ca/news/68588 … equipment-shortage/
• Mr. Weng Hoong Ng’s initial complaint letter: http://www.onepacificnews.com/20 … hinese-hate-speech/
• Global News Respond to Mr. Ng’s letter: http://www.onepacificnews.com/20 … letterof-complaint/
• Mr. Weng Hoong Ng’s second complaint letter: http://www.onepacificnews.com/20 … etter-of-complaint/  



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