
又有2校现确诊 列治文学区14所染疫学校全名单

2020-11-21 |作者: | 来源:加拿大乐活网

【加拿大乐活网lahoo.ca讯】11月21日,温哥华沿岸卫生局(VCH)将列治文学区的两所学校加入到网站所列出的存在感染风险的名单中,其中,Garden City小学患者曾在11月16日到过学校,而McNair中学的患者分别在11月12日和16日到过学校。


以下是列治文学区出现病毒暴露事件的学校名单(资料来自温哥华沿岸卫生局 截至11月21日 )

Mitchell Elementary School, Richmond School District
Address: 12091 Cambie Raod, Richmond, B.C.
Potential exposure date(s): Nov. 12-13

Garden City Elementary, Richmond School District
Address: 8311 Garden City Road, Richmond, B.C.
Potential exposure date(s): Nov. 16

Matthew McNair Secondary School, Richmond School District
Address: 9500 No. 4 Road, Richmond, B.C.
Potential exposure date(s): Nov. 12 and Nov. 16

R. MacNeill Secondary School, Richmond School District
Address: 6011 No. 4 Road, Richmond, B.C.
Potential exposure date(s): Nov. 12

Kingswood Elementary School, Richmond School District
Address: 11511 King Road, Richmond, B.C.
Potential exposure date(s): Nov. 10

Hugh McRoberts Secondary School, Richmond School District
Address: 8980 Williams Road, Richmond, B.C.
Potential exposure date(s): Nov. 9-10 and Nov. 12-13

Hamilton Elementary School, Richmond School District
Address: 5180 Smith Drive, Richmond, B.C.
Potential exposure date(s): Nov. 4-5, Nov. 9-10 and Nov. 16

William Cook Elementary, Richmond School District
Address: 8600 Cook Road, Richmond, B.C.
Potential exposure date(s): Nov. 9-10 and Nov. 12

R.C. Talmey Elementary School, Richmond School District
Address: 9500 Kilby Drive, Richmond, B.C.
Potential exposure date(s): Nov. 9-10

Richmond Secondary School, Richmond School District
Address: 7171 Minoru Boulevard, Richmond, B.C.
Potential exposure date(s): Nov. 9-10

Steveston-London Secondary School, Richmond School District
Address: 6600 Williams Road, Richmond, B.C.
Potential exposure date(s): Nov. 2-6 and Nov. 13

James Thompson Elementary School, Richmond School District
Address: 6211 Forsyth Crescent, Richmond, B.C.
Potential exposure date(s): Nov. 3-4 and Nov. 6

Hamilton Elementary School, Richmond School District
Address: 5180 Smith Drive, Richmond, B.C.
Potential exposure date(s): Nov. 5-6

H.J. Cambie Secondary School, Richmond School District
Address: 4151 Jacombs Rd., Richmond, B.C.
Potential exposure date(s): Nov. 2-6



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